We recognize differences and provide impartial and non-judgmental access to all. We are responsive to community needs, and we go the extra mile to deliver the best possible service.
We feel like family. The library is a safe and welcoming place that celebrates diversity and opens its doors to everyone. We support, trust, and empower each other and our communities, and we share, create, and preserve their stories.
We practice compassion and tolerance in our actions and attitudes. We listen with an open mind, and treat all patrons and staff fairly and sincerely.
We're open to innovative ideas and bold opportunities. We know what our community needs, and we embrace change to meet their needs. As the library continually evolves, we welcome opportunities for professional and personal growth.
We share a strong sense of personal and moral values. We take responsibility for the stewardship of the materials, spaces, and resources with which we are entrusted. Patrons and staff can count on us to be honest, transparent, and keep our commitments.
We work together, drawing on one another's strengths and going outside our comfort zones, to achieve common goals. We always make sure to share the load. We cooperate with one another, maintain open lines of communication, and rely on one another to lend a helping hand.
Pierre's Praise (kudos to excellent customer service) recognizes and honors employees who demonstrate the highest commitment to our Core Values of Ethics & Integrity, Community, Adaptability, Teamwork, Respect, and Service.